
Friday, May 17, 2013

20 Things You Can Only Learn Outside the Classroom

After 3 years of college, I can honestly say the most important things that I learned were not taught to me by a professor and not read in a book. The most important things I have learned have been from my peers and experiences outside a classroom setting and in my eyes are much more valuable than anything that can be taught while sitting at a desk.
  1. You learn who your true friends are when you're struggling, not when you're partying.
  2. You can love someone more than words can express, but hate them at the same time.
  3. There are people who truly have no redeemable qualities. They are not worth having in your life.
  4. Some people you can only tolerate when you're drunk.
  5. You become the people with whom you surround yourself. Choose friends based on the qualities you want to ascertain. 
  6. Even when they move thousands of miles away, your true friends will always be there for you.
  7. Everyone has their own set of challenges and struggles, no one is perfect.
  8. It is important to stand up for yourself, but pick your battles. 
  9. Family is the most important thing in life.
  10. Family is not only the people with whom you share blood. You can choose who you want it to be.
  11. Life is fragile. You never know who will still be here tomorrow, so never withhold affection for those you love.
  12. Sometimes those who care the most are the most overbearing and hard to handle.
  13. People with disabilities or other obstacles are often times the people who have the brightest outlook on life.
  14. There is so much more good than bad in the world.
  15. The world is only as scary a place as you let it be. Confidence will take you far.
  16. You are stronger than you know. Hardship brings it out fast.
  17. Sometimes, it is okay to breakdown just make sure it's in front of the right people.
  18. Hate is an emotion not worth having, replace it with indifference.
  19. Resolve differences early and privately, don't let them fester.
  20. The world is a small place. Be slow to burn bridges.

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